Donald Trump is a professional salesman, and he is actively doing his absolute best to sell to the American public that he is the undisputed front-runner, the party favorite, the populist leader of the Republican party, and therefore deserves its uncontested support. When headlines appear that show that Trump wins X Primary with X% votes, for example, it's easy to feel the tug...
You have, no doubt, overheard or been in a conversation with someone talking about "their" depression or anxiety, or someone else's OCD or ADHD (most likely their child) as if it were a possession. You've possibly seen cartoon depictions of illnesses as monsters in advertisements for medications. You may have even used your personality color as a scapegoat when trying to elude a responsibility in...
In case you've had your head in the sand for the past several months, it's Primary Election season for the upcoming Presidential Election. To describe it in game-like terms, states each take a turn having their residents vote for a candidate (Iowa goes first), and based on the voting the state allocates delegates (i.e. "points"). For Republican candidates, the first one to 1237...
One of the prevailing "healthy eating" trends today is the shift away from processed foods toward foods that are more "organic", more "natural"--in a word: RAW. One needs look no further than the popular Paleo diet, which purports that the ideal diet for humans is that which cavemen would have been able to eat thousands of years ago. Part of this food fanaticism...
First, by way of definitions: nar·cis·sism ˈnärsəˌsizəm/ noun noun: narcissism excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. synonyms:vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-centeredness, self-regard, egotism, egoism antonyms:modesty Psychology extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type. (Thank you, Google). Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria (this is literally...