By now you've read Part I in our explanation of how a Romney/Kasich ticket could disrupt an electoral majority in November, preventing either Trump or Hillary from being elected and moving on to the "run-off" in the House of Representatives. By way of reminder, the 12th Amendment describes what this process entails for selecting who will be President: ...if no person have such...
Congratulations, America. We have narrowed down to our presumtive top two choices for President of the United States. And somehow, among the 219 million citizens eligible to vote, we have collectively decided that the absolute best choices for this office are 1) a fiscally reckless, narcissistic mysoginist and 2) a political elite under two separate federal investigations—Both have equally abysmal approval ratings. If...
Happy May the 4th! And May the 4th be with you...alwayth. To commemorate, we decided to write a Star Wars themed post: SPOILER ALERT!!! (but not really, because, what, do you live in a cave on Mars with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears?!) We’ve heard some criticism of Kylo Ren. Most of it is just different ways of saying...
Back in 2014 a study was published, titled: Diet Drink Consumption and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events. A copy of the study can be found here. It's nothing daunting--a mere 6 pages long. Though once published, it's pretty clear that the media didn't bother spending any time reading, let alone analyzing the study. Instead, they likely skipped to the last paragraph and...
Back in 2010 the FDA sent a warning letter to Diamond Foods Inc. regarding their walnuts. Here's the original copy. Much of the internet, especially the 'healthy eating' community, proceeded to lose its collective mind with statements like: FDA Ignores the Science Walnuts are DRUGS! FDA Makes Bizarre Claim FDA Says Walnuts are Illegal Drugs You get the idea. First of all, something...
I came across this meme today. It seems that a hunting enthusiast, in his zeal to share the joys of his favorite pastime, didn't not take appropriate time to proofread his post. Let's indulge for a minute-- which would you choose: 1) never hunting again 2) dating supermodels the rest of your life This is an example of what I would like to...
Donald Trump is a professional salesman, and he is actively doing his absolute best to sell to the American public that he is the undisputed front-runner, the party favorite, the populist leader of the Republican party, and therefore deserves its uncontested support. When headlines appear that show that Trump wins X Primary with X% votes, for example, it's easy to feel the tug...
You have, no doubt, overheard or been in a conversation with someone talking about "their" depression or anxiety, or someone else's OCD or ADHD (most likely their child) as if it were a possession. You've possibly seen cartoon depictions of illnesses as monsters in advertisements for medications. You may have even used your personality color as a scapegoat when trying to elude a responsibility in...